SESSION TITLE: Lung Cancer II SESSION TYPE: Original Investigation Poster PRESENTED ON: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM PURPOSE: The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) provided evidence that screening with low-dose CT (LDCT) in a select population, for three consecutive years, reduces lung cancer mortality by 20 % compared to a screening chest x-ray, with an overall decrease in mortality of 7%. Lung cancer screening was started at our hospital in September 2012. The program also involved providing the patients with a brochure for smoking cessation and referring motivated and interested patients to “Freedom from Smoking” sessions. Reports of the effect on the smoking cessation rate in participants of lung cancer screening are lacking in the literature. METHODS: We surveyed participants (n=77) enrolled in the Lung Cancer Screening program at AMH. Participants were contacted via phone, informed consent was obtained, and a predetermined questionnaire was completed. The participants were called up to three times at different times of the day. RESULTS: 35(47%) out of 77 patients who participated in the screening program could be reached by phone. Four patients refused to participate in the study. Among the 31 survey respondents, 45.2% (14/31) were female and 54.8% (17/31) were male. In terms of smoking patterns, 48.3% (15/31) are still smoking, 51.6% (16/31) reportedly had quit smoking at the time of the survey. 41.9% (13/31) participants had quit smoking before the screening CT was done. 9.7% (3/31) participants quit smoking after the CT scan. LDCT was positive (nodule to mass) among 58% (18/31) participants. Among the participants with abnormal LDCT, 55.5% (10/18) are still smoking, 33.3% (6/18) quit before the LDCT and 11.1% (2/18) quit after the LDCT. Among the participants with abnormal LDCT, 55.5% (10/18) felt that the results of LDCT influenced their decision to quit, of which 20% (2/10) successfully quit smoking. LDCT was negative among 42% (13/31) participants. 39% of these patients (5/13) are still smoking, 54% (7/13) quit smoking before the LDCT and 8% (1/13) quit after the LDCT. Among all the participants, 45.1% (14/31) felt that screening results influenced their decision to quit. 64.2% (9/14) among these are still smoking, 21.4% (3/14) quit smoking, 14.2% (2/14) quit smoking before the screening CT and felt that screening results reinforced their decision to quit. 15% (5/31) participants attended smoking cessation classes; 80% (4/5) of these felt that classes were helpful. 100% (5/5) participants who attended the classes are still smoking. The majority of participants - 67.7% (21/31), felt that enhancing education to children in school would promote smoking abstinence. CONCLUSIONS: Though a significant number of participants had positive screening CT results, most patients continued to smoke. Significant numbers of patients stated they were influenced by the results, however only a minority quit. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Patients participating in the screening program need better smoking cessation help to achieve the objective of the program. This could be accomplished by either support groups among interested participants or counseling sessions on a more frequent basis or mandating “freedom from smoking” cessations. Enhancing education among school children may promote smoking abstinence in general population. DISCLOSURE: The following authors have nothing to disclose: Akshay Avula, Sudhamshi Toom, Navin Victor, Rajesh Patel, Apurva Gandhi No Product/Research Disclosure Information