In June 2011, the impact factors of the main journals were announced for the year 2010. These data can be found at (access limited to subscribers only). As previously indicated in this journal [1–3], the impact factor in a specific year consists of the average number of citations of publications in the previous two years divided by the number of publications (citable items) in these two years. Consequently, the impact factor of NHJ 2010 is the number of citations to NHJ articles published in 2008 and 2009, divided by the number of citable NHJ articles published in 2008 and 2009. The total number of citations over 2008 and 2009 was 191 (2008: 118 citations, 2009: 72 citations), whereas the total number of citable articles in this period was 132 (2008: 64, 2009: 68). As a result, the 2010 NHJ impact factor was calculated as 191/132 = 1.447 (almost 1.5). Although this is just a small step forward compared with the 2009 impact factor (1.392), it is still a significant achievement for a national journal that has only been listed by PubMed since January 2007 [4, 5]. It is encouraging to observe that the number of citations is steadily increasing over time (1 citation in 2007, 58 in 2008, 200 in 2009, 288 in 2010, and halfway through 2011 already 238 citations). At the same time, the number of citable items per year has remained fairly constant over the years, varying from 61 to 68, at least suggesting improvement in impact factor in the forthcoming years. What about the position of NHJ within Europe with particular emphasis on the role of NHJ as a Journal of a National Society (i.e. the Netherlands Society of Cardiology)? Several years ago the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) launched an Editors Network comprising all European National Society Cardiovascular Journals [6]. The main goals of the Editors Network were defined as 1) to increase collaboration among the Chief Editors of the National Society Journals, 2) to enhance editorial standards, 3) to improve quality requirements, 4) to preserve publication ethics, 5) to guarantee scientific credibility, and 6) to expand dissemination of scientific knowledge. At present, the Editors Network consists of 46 National Society Journals belonging to 40 ESC National Societies (some countries have more than one National Society Journal: Germany has 4 national journals, Russia 3). Of those 46 European journals, only 10 (22%) have an impact factor at this moment. When we list these journals according to impact factor, we get the following picture (journal, country, impact factor 2010, respectively): Basic Research in Cardiology, Germany, 6.128 Heart, United Kingdom, 4.706 Clinical Research in Cardiology, Germany, 3.466 Revista Espanola de Cardiologia, Spain, 2.157 Netherlands Heart Journal, Netherlands, 1.447 Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseux, France, 1.207 Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, Greece, 1.172 Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, Italy, 0.786 Acta Cardiologica, Belgium, 0.650 Kardiologia Polska – Polish Heart Journal, Poland, 0.523 What do we learn from these facts? First, it is an achievement in itself for a national society journal to have an impact factor, and second, the NHJ takes a very acceptable position among those national society journals that do have an impact factor. To conclude, we again thank all authors for their excellent contributions to the NHJ. Apparently, the quality of the papers was of such a level that they were read and -more importantly-cited by other authors. To improve our 2011 impact factor we hope to receive many more fine articles that deserve to be cited. In summary, the NHJ has again taken an important step on the way to international recognition.
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