We present a comprehensive analysis of the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2021foa, unique among the class of transitional supernovae for repeatedly changing its spectroscopic appearance from hydrogen-to-helium-to-hydrogen dominated (IIn-to-Ibn-to-IIn) within 50 days past peak brightness. The spectra exhibit multiple narrow (≈300–600 km s−1) absorption lines of hydrogen, helium, calcium, and iron together with broad helium emission lines with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of ∼6000 km s−1. For a steady, wind mass-loss regime, light-curve modeling results in an ejecta mass of ∼8 M ⊙ and circumstellar material (CSM) mass below 1 M ⊙, and an ejecta velocity consistent with the FWHM of the broad helium lines. We obtain a mass-loss rate of ≈2 M ⊙ yr−1. This mass-loss rate is 3 orders of magnitude larger than derived for normal Type II supernovae. We estimate that the bulk of the CSM of SN 2021foa must have been expelled within half a year, about 12 yr ago. Our analysis suggests that SN 2021foa had a helium-rich ejecta that swept up a dense shell of hydrogen-rich CSM shortly after explosion. At about 60 days past peak brightness, the photosphere recedes through the dense ejecta-CSM region, occulting much of the redshifted emission of the hydrogen and helium lines, which results in an observed blueshift (∼−3000 km s−1). Strong mass-loss activity prior to explosion, such as those seen in SN 2009ip-like objects and SN 2021foa as precursor emission, are the likely origin of a complex, multiple-shell CSM close to the progenitor star.
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