The FP6 RAPHAEL Integrated Project on V/HTR technology concluded in April 2010 after 5 years of successful performance. 35 partners from 10 Member States, an overall budget above 18 MEUR and about 170 key deliverables are some important figures of the project.RAPHAEL provides results in seven V/HTR technology areas: core physics, fuel, fuel cycle back end, materials, components, safety and system integration covering the major systems and components of a V/HTR. Major highlights include design, fabrication and testing of innovative helium components, improved fuel fabrication and fuel and materials irradiation, and safety testing and PIE of irradiated fuel. In the area of coupled reactor physics and core thermo fluid dynamics, benchmarks have been performed on core safety experiments on the AVR and HTR10 high temperature test reactors, and on the HFR EU1bis fuel burn-up experiment. The fuel cycle back-end activities cover characterisation of V/HTR-specific waste, disposal behaviour and conditioning and spent fuel performance modelling. The materials activities comprise vessel and high-temperature materials, the latter work in collaboration with EXTREMAT, and graphite irradiation and characterisation. Safety and licensing assessments of a V/HTR, and the system integration aspects with respect to plant reference data and R&D results complete the comprehensive scope of RAPHAEL.Selected results will be made available as Euratom input for exchange within the GIF VHTR projects in negotiated procedures.Two advisory groups (safety-SAG and industrial users-IUAG) accompanied the project and provided valuable input regarding adjustment of concept specifications. The recommendations of the Industrial Users Advisory Group, including major end-users, are used as input to EUROPAIRS, an FP7 support action aiming at integrating end-users into the R&D process towards a demonstrator for cogeneration.To address the key issue of knowledge transfer, RAPHAEL conducted three Eurocourses, with support of the IAEA, to transmit V/HTR physics and technology to young engineers and students. Furthermore, RAPHAEL was regularly present in conferences and has issued numerous technical publications.RAPHAEL executed intensive international collaboration mainly in the areas of materials and fuel, in particular with Korea, and in safety. In addition, its representation and contribution was often requested in collaboration initiatives of Euratom with Russia and China, and in workshops organised by IAEA.