The government continues to encourage efforts to increase renewable energy, one of which is by issuing a ministerial regulation of energy and mineral resources (MEMR) 49/2018 with amendments no. 13/2019 and 16/2019. The key points of this policy are reducing the constant in charge capacity for industry, simplifying the licensing process and the existence of operating permits and certificates of operation feasibility, as well as compensation for export credit of 65% which is still deemed unfavorable. As of October 2020, 2,566 solar PV rooftop customers have registered, with a total capacity of 18.19 MWp. This research aims to not only analyze the gap policy, but also to make a case study in a Leading Heavy Equipment Company in Indonesia building on the existing PV rootop policy. By using a web-based simulation that is Helio Scope and the calculation of investment feasibility, the results are not economically profitable. This is due to the high investment value, interest rate value, and other parameters.
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