We investigate helicity amplitudes (HAs) of A→BC-type decays for arbitrary spin towards the kinematic endpoint. We show that HAs are proportional to product of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (CGC) and the velocity to a non-negative power. The latter can be zero in which case the HA is non-vanishing at the endpoint. At the kinematic endpoint the explicit breaking of rotational symmetry, through the external momenta, is restored and the findings can be interpreted as a special case of the Wigner-Eckart theorem. Our findings are useful for i) checking theoretical computations and ii) the case where there is a sequence of decays, say B→B1B2 with the pair (B1B2) not interacting (significantly) with the C-particle. Angular observables, which are ratios of HAs, are given by ratios of CGC at the endpoint. We briefly discuss power corrections in the velocity to the leading order.