
Exclusive ρ 0 -meson electroproduction is studied by the HERMES experiment, using the 27.6 GeV longitudinally polarized electron/positron beam of HERA and a transversely polarized hydrogen target, in the kinematic region 1.0 GeV 2 Q 2 2 , 3.0 GeV t ′ 2 . Using an unbinned maximum-likelihood method, 25 parameters are extracted. They determine the real and imaginary parts of the ratios of certain helicity amplitudes describing ρ 0 -meson production by a virtual photon, where the denominator is the dominant amplitude . The latter is the nucleon-helicity-non-flip amplitude, which describes the production of a longitudinal ρ 0 meson by a longitudinal virtual photon. The transverse target polarization allows for the first time the extraction of ratios of a number of nucleon-helicity-flip amplitudes to . The ratios of nucleon-helicity-non-flip amplitudes are found to be in good agreement with those from the previous HERMES analysis.

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