Morphological patterns of the occlusion curve, the palate and the dental arch occurring in the female population in Kitsuki city, Oita prefecture were studied on the gnathostatic models which were mounted on the eye-ear planes as bases, and the data obtained were comapred with those obtained from the female in Yawata city, the male and female in Shimonoseki city, the Japanese male and the Manchurian male. The results are summarized as follows. 1) Regulative curve of dental arch In upper jaw the central incisors are the highest from the eye-ear plane, the height decreasing gradually with successive teeth backward. The lower jaw shows a curve similar to the regulative curve of upper jaw against the eye-ear plane. 2) Comparison of the height of individual teeth measured from the eye-ear plane between the female in Kitsuki and the male in Manchuria revealed that there is hardly any difference present with respect to upper jaw, whereas with respect to lower jaw the height in Manchurian male is greater than that in Kitsuki female. 3) In the lateral curve of upper molars in Kitsuki female, it was noticed that the height of buccal cusp of first and second premolars is higher than that of palatal cusps, whereas in the first and second molars the latter cusps are higher than their opponents. However, there is not found any significance of difference in heights of the buccal and palatal cusps of these teeth. 4) The highest point from the eye-ear plane to the curve of median sagittal plane lies on the prosthion with distance of 51mm, the height of the curve becoming gradually lower as it goes farther away from the orbito-sagittal point till it is lowest with distance of 32mm on the average at the point 30mm distant from the orbito-sagittal point (Fig.3). 5) In the comparison on the height from the eye-ear plane to the curve of median sagittal plane of palate between the female in Kitsuki and the male in Manchuria, the height in the former proved higher than that in the latter group. 6) Of the heights from the eye-ear plane to the palatal arch curve examined in the female of Kitsuki, the height at the center is lowest with 32mm on the average and those at both anterior and posterior ends are 45mm on the average, and the curve is of the parabolic type (Fig.4). 7) Comparison between the female in Kitsuki and the Manchurian male on the height from the eye-ear plane to the palatal arch curve does not show any appreciable difference. 8) The degree of incisal occlusion examined on the female in Kitsuki is 3mm on the average which is shown to be smaller than the values obtained for the female in Yawata, the female and male in Shimonoseki and the Japanese and Manchurian male. 9) The over-bite degree examined on the female in Kitsuki is 4mm on the average which is shown to be larger than those values obtained for the Yawata female, Shimonoseki male and female, and for the Manchurian male. 10) The average values for the breadth of dental arch at canine tooth region examined on the Kitsuki female are respectively 35mm in upper jaw, 27mm in lower jaw, and those at the anterior tooth region are respectively 49mm in upper jaw, 43mm in lower jaw, showing relative larger values with upper jaw in every cases. 11) The dental arch breadth or the Kitsuki female is larger than that of the Yawata female, approximately identical with that of the Shimonoseki female, and is smaller than those of the Japanese male and of the Manchurian male. 12) The average values for the anterior dental arch in the Kitsuki female are respectively 18mm in upper jaw, 13mm in lower jaw ; the same values for the posterior dental arch are respectively 32mm in upper jaw, 27mm in lower jaw, indicating that both lengths are larger in upper jaw than in lower jaw. 13) The length of dental arch in the Kitsuki female is larger than that in the Yawata female, approximately the same with those in the Shimonoseki male and female, and smaller