In this talk, I review the results obtained recently in Ref. [1]. First, we estimate the LO hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon and τ anomalous magnetic moments to be: aμ|l.ohvp=(7036.5±38.9)×10−11, aτ|l.ohvp=(3494.8±24.7)×10−9 (see Table 1) leading to: Δaμ≡aμexp−aμSM=(143±42th±22exp)×10−11 which is about 3σ discrepancy between the SM predictions and experiment. One also finds: α(5)(MZ)|had=(2766.3±4.5)×10−5. Second, we estimate the QCD power corrections up to dimension 20 from the ratio of Laplace sum rule and from τ-like decay high moments (see Table 3). We do not observe any exponential growth of their size which may not favour a duality violation of the spectral function. We obtain 〈αsG2〉=(7.8±3.5)×10−2GeV4 in agreement with the more precise one from heavy quark sum rules, while ραs〈ψ¯ψ〉2=(5.98±0.64)×10−4GeV6 confirms a violation of the four-quark condensate factorization by a factor ρ≃6. Third, using the previous values of the condensates, we re-extract αs from the lowest τ-decay Braaten-SN-Pich (BNP) moment and find to order αs4:αs(Mτ)=0.3081(86)[resp.0.3260(79)]⟶∘αs(MZ)=0.1170(7)[resp.0.1192(7)] for Fixed Order (FO) [resp. Contour Improved (CI)] PT series. We also show that the contributions beyond the Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov (SVZ)-expansion are negligible.
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