With the change of era the industrial zone has seen alternations by the influence of its nation's social economy; and its amplification tends to synthetize the zone. To prove this, firstly by apprehending the reproductive correlations, it is necessary to explain the structural factors of the zone. Consequently, the, author as to explain the geographical conformation of industrial zones chiefly, in Osaka Prefecture. The distribution of industry of Japan has its center in Tokyo and Osaka, and composes regional structure including groups of factories in satelite cities. Industrial zones belong to their respective regions and their faculties are gathered in the center. The calls this central faculty its nucleos. These nuclei are responsible for the organization of our nation's four large indus-trial zones and their marked features of distribution. The nuclei of Osaka may be considered. the nuclei. of Japan and can be classified into the follo-wing wing three types. 1. City central type-Composed of, 9 districts around I shiyama Daichi (Osaka. Castle), highly productive districts of medium and small scale .indus-tries specialized in machine tools and sundries The -chief finished product enterprises are the medium and small sized factories dealing with clothing, printing and book-binding, etc. Their diversions in. enterprise and factory site are rampant. Neverthless, the density of distribution is thickest in Japan. 2. Suburban type-Composed of 13 districts on the outskirts of (1) where numerous large scale machine, machine tool and ceramic factories: stand; and, their local transfers are rampant. The whole industry is made up of large, -medium and small' scale factories. None of these alone is, , dominating, but factories of over 200 workers are beginning to be predo-minant. 3. Satelite city-Composed of 15 cities and 7 c_??_ties (guns) scatteringly distributed over Osaka Plain. These are new-born cities and counties boo-ming with -textile industry. The number of factories is largest in the: cities of. Fuse and Sakai and in the county of N aka I awachi. Cities have a marked, feature of having greater number of factories and more efficient skilled workers than counties. This characteristic distribution can. be considered as a, . result of local diversions influenced by unclear factors. It can be. obtained by both centri-petal and centrifugal forces. That is, as can be observed in various stages, of the history of development, the former exist in the social economic and superior maintenance conditions, and the latter, in the changes in scale and system of management ensued by, the rate of industrial growth. But if we study the factors responsible for the development of zone, we. can observe that the superior topographical conditions such as port., in respect to the shipment of material and the availability of labor have a close chain like relation with the zone. And this fact clearly appears inn het cost ratio. Hence, the composition of zone is developed and: amplified by its nucleus-in the center. Predominance. in production has been. brought about by the influence of both centripetal and centrifugal factors, . and has formed local.. characteristics. Fut., since, in general, the movement towards heavy che-mical industry can be noted in the constant changes of local conditions, it is necessary to improve the quality of topographical conditions based on this movement.
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