The purpose of this study was to describe the intractable inmate and to determine the existence of factors predictive of intractability. The intractable inmate is defined as an inmate who presents a chronic disciplinary problem within the prison. To provide data on this type of inmate, fifty intractable and fifty tractable inmates at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility (SOCF) were selected by correctional and treatment officers at that institution. From the institutional files of both groups, extensive data were collected on person al, family, educational, vocational, military, criminal, confinement, prison ad justment, self-improvement program, and prison medical histories; psycho metric and personality test scores were collected for both groups. The data were analyzed to determine group differences and predictive factors. The important results revealed that, in comparison with the tractable group, the intractable inmates at SOCF were generally nonwhite, single, and not heavy users of alcohol, and they exhibited disciplinary problems before in carceration. They began their criminal history at an earlier age, more often used an alias, had a greater number of police contacts, and, once incarcerated, were confined longer. In prison, they were disobedient, created disturbances, possessed and manufactured weapons, threatened others, and destroyed prop erty. They had a higher incidence of sick calls, with tension as the primary complaint and tranquilizers as the primary prescribed medication. A number of useful predictive variables of intractability (before incarcera tion at SOCF) were statistically isolated; the primary variables were the fol lowing : Percent Adult Life Incarcerated (18 years and over; high scores associated with intractability). Extent of Alcohol Use (low use associated with intractability). MMPI Depression Scale Score (high scores associated with intrac tability). Minnesota Paper Form Board Score (low scores associated with intrac tability). Number of Police Contacts as a Juvenile (high scores associated with in tractability). Use of Alias (use associated with intractability). These six variables, properly weighted, correctly classified 78 percent of the inmates studied.