Implementing interplant heat integration indirectly via intermediate fluid circuits is a reliable and promising means of enhancing the overall energy efficiency and reducing the carbon emissions of a chemical industrial zone. Although optimization-based sequential and simultaneous synthesis methods have been developed for interplant heat integration, obtaining optimal multi-plant indirect heat exchanger networks (HENs) remains a challenge due to the problem's size and complexity. Under this content, a two-step method is proposed based on the decomposable structural features of the HENs. In the first step, a mathematical model incorporating superstructure representation and pinch location technique is developed to optimize interplant intermediate stream allocation, by which the optimal configuration of intermediate fluids is determined by balancing utility targets and intermediate stream cost with pumps and pipelines. This approach enables multiple HENs synthesis to become independent, and in the second step, a compact MINLP model is proposed for the cost-optimal HEN design in each plant. The effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method are demonstrated by the better results obtained within reasonable computing times for three literature examples, particularly an industrial-scale problem.