The advantages of frequency modulation (FM) systems are well recognized.' In an ideal situation, an FM system that is connected to a hearing aid (HA) maintains the frequency-output characteristics of the hearing aid and enhances the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the listening environment. That said, a clinician who works with FM and hearing aids must evaluate if the addition of the FM results in the optimal use of the FM-HA combination. Specifically, the clinician must verify that: (1) the electroacoustics of FM and HA meet specifications (i.e., sufficiently broad bandwidth, no evidence of distortion, etc); (2) the coupling of the FM does not change the frequency response of the hearing aid in the various FM receiver positions (such as HA, FM, FM+HA) for the same stimulus input (i.e., transparency); and (3) the ratio of the FM output to the hearing aid output, when used in the FM+HA mode, is favorable. This last verification goal is also known as the SNR advantage of the FM in the FM+HA mode. h is i mportant for clinicians working with these two devices to know how to determine the FM/HA ratio and, when necessary, to adjust the sensitivity of the devices to achieve the optimal ratio. The implicit expectation is that the FM+HA mode will increase wearer satisfaction. Clinicians have sought to standardize the verification of FM systems when used with hearing aids. However, with the advent of digital signal processing (DSP) hearing aids, the parameters and protocols previously used to verify FMs and HAs may be inadequate. Digital processing can interact with the type and duration of the stimulus used, resulting in equivocal results. Furthermore, the type of FM system used, as well as the hearing aid analyzer used to measure transparency and FM/HA ratio, may affect the outcome of the verification. Kuk and Keenan evaluated the impact of stimulus duration and stimulus type on the reliability and validity of verification. 2 Integrating their findings, we will present in this article a three-step protocol for measuring both the transparency and the FM/HA ratio in one measurement session. Specifically, we will describe the protocol, provide
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