Lichen planus is a multifactorial disease that involves immune, neuroendocrine, microbiological, and other metabolic processes associated with skin and mucosal damage. The microflora of the oral cavity in CPL SOPR was studied by E. S. Leontieva etal., 2014, the microbiocenosis of various biotopes of the oral cavity in patients with CPL SOPR was studied. The study involved 95 patients with CPL SOPR, who underwent hygienic, periodontal and microbiological research methods. The results of the degree of bacterial contamination indicate a more pronounced colonization of foci of CPL lesion by representatives of the coccoid flora: Streptococcus salivares and Streptococcus mutans, but there is no correlation between them. Isolated Streptococcus Sanguis colonies were observed in 55% of patients. In addition, fungi of the genus Candida albicans were detected in 50%, the average level of adhesion of Candida albicans strains in patients with CPL was 16.78±1.64%. The frequency of detection of fungi of the genus Candida albicans in foci of CPL lesion correlates (r=0.79) with the activity of the disease course. The significance of Candida albicans contamination is determined not so much by the degree of contamination of the lesion foci, but by such pathogenic properties of Candida albicansas the level of adhesion and the activity of germination tubes formation [1,2,3,6,11,2,3,6,11]. Authors Chuikin S. V., Akmalova G. M., Chernysheva N. D., 2014, analyzed the qualitative and quantitative microbiocenosis of the oral cavity in patients with CPL. The study included 145 patients with CPL aged 21 to 76 years, of whom 5% were men and 95% were women. The predominant form of CPL was erosive-ulcerative form (33.1%), the lowest frequency was observed in 2% of patients with bullous form. The results of the study showed that dysbiotic changes were observed with a predominance of candida infection and were found in 57.2% of the examined patients, which are observed more often in erosive-ulcerative and bullous forms of CPL. The results of the study showed that all the examined patients had microbiocenosis disorders of varying severity from dysbiotic shift to IYgrade IY dysbiosis and high sensitivity to bacteriophages was revealed. It should be noted that high sensitivity of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms sown in дисбактериозахoral dysbiosis was detected to цефалоспориногоcephalosporin antibiotics (100%), oxacillin (79%), gentamicin (76%), lincomycin (73%). [5,7,9,12]. A number of foreign authors Villa (TG, Sá ncheznchez-Pérez rez Á, Sieiro C., 2021) believe that microbial infection triggers an autoimmune response. Withdysbiosisof the intestinal microbiota , there is a violationof the integrity of the intestinal barrier, followed by an increase in intestinal permeability, and the penetration микроорганизмof microorganisms and their toxinов into the circulatory system. Current knowledge about this disease requires the inclusion of this disease in the list of autoimmune diseases, since the progression of CPL involves colonization of locally affected areas by bacteria, fungi or viruses that occur after damage to the oral mucosa and skin. The process of healing the disease should include eliminating microbial dysbiosis and restoring the normal microbiota of the oral mucosa, skin, and intestines. [4,6,8,10,13,14].