A hard X-ray polarimeter with CdTe detectors has been developed for measurement of the degree of X-ray polarization at synchrotron radiation facilities. It utilizes 90° Compton scattering from the low Z targets. Measurements were performed at both facilities of the beamline BL38B1 in SPring-8 and the beamline BL14A in KEK-PF. The degrees of X-ray polarization for 20keV X-rays are 99% and 82% at the BL38B1 in SPring-8 and BL14A in KEK-PF, respectively. The polarization degrees in the energy range of 15 and 40keV correspond to 99.6±0.2% and 96.1±0.2% at the beamline BL38B1 in SPring-8. The analyzing power of the polarimeter was estimated by the Monte Carlo simulation with EGS4. The synchrotron radiation facilities provide highly polarized X-ray beams at energies above 15keV.
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