Spectrum handoff is an inevitable phenomenon to exploit dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) for better spectrum utilisation. When a licensed or primary user reclaims its operating channel, the cognitive user has to initiate a suitable handoff procedure for successful completion of its ongoing transmission. This paper analyses the prioritised proactive spectrum handoff decision for a finite capacity cognitive radio network using preemptive resume priority (PRP) M/G/1/K queuing model. Cumulative handoff delay (CHD) and total service time (TST) are taken to investigate the performance of the handoff strategies. We establish an analytical model of cumulative handoff delay and total service time of proactive switching spectrum handoff for the proposed finite length queuing network. The impact of queue length on performance measuring metrics such as CHD and TST in terms of arrival rate of primary users and mobility factor of spectrum holes are presented extensively.
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