ABSTRACT We present a detailed comparative study of the arcs and fragmented ring-like features in the haloes of the planetary nebulae (PNe) NGC 6543, NGC 7009, and NGC 7027 and the spiral pattern around the carbon star AFGL 3068 using high-quality multi-epoch HST images. This comparison allows us to investigate the connection and possible evolution between the regular patterns surrounding AGB stars and the irregular concentric patterns around PNe. The radial proper motion of these features, ≃15 km s−1, are found to be consistent with the AGB wind and their linear sizes and interlapse times (500–1900 yr) also agree with those found around AGB stars, suggesting a common origin. We find evidence using radiative-hydrodynamic simulations that regular patterns produced at the end of the AGB phase become highly distorted by their interactions with the expanding PN and the anisotropic illumination and ionization patterns caused by shadow instabilities. These processes will disrupt the regular (mostly spiral) patterns around AGB stars, plausibly becoming the arcs and fragmented rings observed in the haloes of PNe.
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