A good linear correlation between the polarization energy P + of the solute cation and the corresponding gas-phase ionization energy I g suggested recently, is now obtained for various hydrocarbons in solution. The radius r of the solute cation is calculated from a solute-solvent cage charge-transfer model and P + is derived from the Born formula: P + = −( e 2/2 rX1 - D op −1). In contrast to the non-linear plot of − P +′ versus I g (where − P −′ is the polarization energy with r calculated from the molar volume), the linear plot of − P + versus I g gives a slope which deviates from the slope of unity obtained for the well-known linear correlation of E 1/2 ox versus I g( E 1/2 ox is the half-wave oxidation potential). During the transition state, there is localization of charge. The electron transfer from the excited solute to the electrophilic solvent cage is through the rth C atom where the cation omega localization energy L r w is lowest, r corresponds to the position of the most active C atom in the electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. When applying the solute-solvent cage CT complex model to aqueous micelle systems and taking into account the large difference in photoionization energies between the gas and condensed phase (Δ I = 2.5 eV), the oxidation potential of perylene and ferrocene seems to vary very little with the charge surfactant of the micelles. The energy V 0 of the conduction band of the aqueous solvent and the hydrophilic character of the solute cation seem to be the main factors which cause the lowering in photoionization energy of the solute. The present electrochemical results do not permit us to conclude that the charge of the aqueous micellle surfactant affects the yield in ionic species, an observation which has been well noted in the photoexcitation case.