The half-life of different isotopes, activated by neutrons in the reactor R -0 by means of a pneumatic extent have been measured with a pulse height analyzer working in its multiscale mode of operation. A Nal(Tl)-scintillation spectrometer was used as detector. Least squares analysis calculated by the Mercury computer were performed for each measurement. The following weighted mean values of the half-lives are obtained: 6He, 0.862±0.017 sec; 36N, 7.31±0.04 sec; 3O, 29.1±0.3 sec; 20F, 11.56±0.05 sec; 28Al, 2.31±0.01 min; 77Senm, 18.83±0.04 sec; 110Ag, 34.42±0.14 sec.