Chicken meat is one of the most popularly consumed meat in Indonesia, particularly in West Java, according to the socio-economic research and chicken meat production in 2013 issued by the Official of Animal Husbandry West Java. The consumption of chicken meat each year reaches 3.6 kg. Cognizant that the population of Moslems is up to 99.67%, each production and consumption of meat has to fulfill the requirements of its halalan tayyiban (considered good and permitted according to the Islamic syaria law). Speaking of which, a number of activities directly concerning on its halal or haram, later called the halal critical point. This point produces variables and factors that affect both the halal and the haram of the chicken meat. The use of resource referred is to simplify the description of the existing variables and factors. The research method is that which explores the chain of chicken meat production supply. The result of this research is the mapping of the halal critical point, and the measurement in the form of scoring to slaughterhouse and market with the help of experts using AHP. Thus, it could be concluded that the most critical points lurk within the semi-modern slaughterhouse activities, while traditional slaughterhouse has fewer critical points. In the scoring results, the fulfillment of the scores is gained more in semi-modern slaughterhouses as well as modern markets than in that of traditional. Keywords: Halal Critical Point; Chicken Meat; Supply Chain; Mapping; Halalan Tayyiban