We study T. Willwacher's twisting endofunctor tw in the category of dg prop(erad)s P under the operad of (strongly homotopy) Lie algebras, i:Lie→P. It is proven that if P is a properad under properad of Lie bialgebras Lieb, then the associated twisted properad twP becomes in general a properad under quasi-Lie bialgebras (rather than under Lieb). This result implies that the cyclic cohomology of any cyclic homotopy associative algebra has in general an induced structure of a quasi-Lie bialgebra. We show that the cohomology of the twisted properad twLieb is highly non-trivial — it contains the cohomology of the so called hairy graph complex introduced and studied recently in the context of the theory of long knots and the theory of moduli spaces Mg,n of algebraic curves of arbitrary genus g with n punctures.Using a polydifferential functor from the category of props to the category of operads, we introduce and study two new twisting endofunctors, one in the category dg prop(erad)s P under the minimal resolution of Lieb, and one for the involutive version of Lieb. We compute the cohomology of the associated deformation complexes, and discuss their applications in string topology.