The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a significant difference between the classroom teacher candidates’ self-efficacy believes among music teaching and their ages, genders, grades, kind of music that they listen, the time they spent to listen to music, habit of going to a concert, the ability to sight-read and to play an instrument. The sample of the study was 264 classroom teacher candidates who get education in Adnan Menderes University. The study is a descriptive study and “Self-Efficacy Towards Music Teaching Scale” which was developed by Ozmentes (2011), was used to measure the classroom teacher candidates’ self-efficacy believes. The results have shown that there was no relationship between the participants self-efficacy believes towards music teaching and their ages and there was no significant difference between participants self-efficacy believes towards music teaching and their genders but there was a significant relationship between the classroom teachers’ self-efficacy believes towards music teaching and their grades. While there was no significant difference between the participants’ self-efficacy believes towards music teaching and their habits of going to a concert and kind of music that they listen; there was a significant difference between the classroom teachers’ self-efficacy believes towards music teaching and their ability to sight-read and to play an instrument and the time they spent to listen to music. Some suggestions had been made towards the results of the study. Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, Adnan Menderes Universitesinde ogrenim gormekte olan sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin muzik ogretimine yonelik ozyeterlik inanclarinin, onlarin yaslarina, cinsiyetlerine, siniflarina, dinledikleri muzik turune, gunluk muzik dinleme surelerine, konsere gitme sikliklarina, nota okuyabilmelerine, calgi calabilmelerine gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigini ortaya koymaktir. Arastirmanin orneklemini 264 sinif ogretmeni adayi olusturmaktadir. Betimsel tarama modeli kullanilan bu calismada veriler, sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin ozyeterlik inanclarini olcmek amaciyla Ozmentes (2011) tarafindan gelistirilen “Muzik Ogretimine Yonelik Ozyeterlik Olcegi” ile elde edilmistir. Arastirmanin sonucunda sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin muzik ogretimine yonelik ozyeterliklerinin onlarin cinsiyetlerine gore anlamli farklilik gostermedigi ve sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin muzik ogretimine yonelik ozyeterlikleri ile yaslari arasinda iliski olmadigi saptanirken, sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin muzik ogretimine yonelik ozyeterliklerinin onlarin sinif duzeylerine gore anlamli farklilik gosterdigi ortaya konmustur. Ayrica katilimcilarin dinledikleri muzik turu ve konsere gitme sikliklariyla onlarin muzik ogretimine yonelik ozyeterlikleri arasinda anlamli bir fark saptanmazken sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin calgi calabilme, nota okuyabilme becerileri ve gunluk muzik dinleme sureleri ile onlarin muzik ogretimine yonelik ozyeterlik inanclari arasinda anlamli fark bulunmustur. Arastirmanin bulgulari dogrultusunda cesitli oneriler getirilmistir.