There have been several reports of light effects on the movement of growth-regulating substances in plants. Shen-Miller and Gordon (6) found that phototropically active blue light decreased the basipetal movement of IAA in Zea coleoptile sections. Similarly, Thornton and Thimann (7) observed that blue light induced a transient decrease in the basipetal movemenit of IAA in Avena coleoptile tissues, but that red and far-red llight were without effect. Naqvi and Gordon (5) found that white light significantly decreased the basipetal transport of IAA in Zea coleoptiles. During a class experiment at the University of East Anglia, England, Professor M. B. Wilkins found that light appeared to reduce the acropetal movement of radioactive 2,4-D in intact bean petioles. This investigation was undertaken to determine whether light affects the movement of 2,4-D in green petiole sections of Phaseolus multiflorus.
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