A total of 205 Han Chinese from two eastern provinces (155 from Fujien and 50 from Hopeh) were tested for the distribution of six blood groups--A1A2BO, MN, Rhesus (CcDEe), Lewisa, Kell (Kk) and Fya--four serum proteins--albumin and haptoglobin types; transferrin and group-specific component subtypes--haemoglobin, and twelve red cell enzyme systems--glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, lactate and malate dehydrogenases; acid phosphatase, esterate-D, glyoxalase I, adenylate kinase, glucose-phosphate isomerase, phosphoglucomutase (locus 2), and superoxide dismutase types; and phosphoglucomutase (locus 1) subtypes. The frequencies of blood groups were more or less within the reported frequencies in the Chinese. However the frequency of le was much lower in the present series. The Chinese are characterized by low p1, Ro, k, le, and a high Fya in general. P2 was lacking in the Chinese. There were some differences in the blood group frequencies in the two provinces. The frequencies of Hp alleles; Tf and Gc subtypes show characteristic mongoloid features with high Hp1, TfD, and GcIF. The frequency of TFC2 was higher in the Fujien province than that in Hopeh. At the hemoglobin locus only one Hb AD was detected, while the frequency of the beta-thalassemia trait was 0.03. No red cell G6PD deficiency or variant was detected. The distribution of red cell enzymes showed Mongoloid characteristics with low PGDC, AK2, ESD1, GLO1, and higher pa. PGM1 subtypes also had Mongoloid characteristics with lower PGM2+ and higher PGM2-. The phenotypic distribution of all the fifteen polymorphic loci was at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in both the Chinese populations.
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