We present a possible construction of coherent states on the unit circle as configuration space. Our approach is based on Borel quantizations on S1 including the Aharonov–Bohm-type quantum description. Coherent states are constructed by Perelomov’s method as group-related coherent states generated by Weyl operators on the quantum phase space . Because of the duality of canonical coordinates and momenta, i.e. the angular variable and the integers, this formulation can also be interpreted as coherent states over an infinite periodic chain. For the construction, we use the analogy with our quantization and coherent states over a finite periodic chain where the quantum phase space was . The coherent states constructed in this work are shown to satisfy the resolution of unity. To compare them with canonical coherent states, some of their further properties are also studied demonstrating similarities as well as substantial differences.This article is part of a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical devoted to ‘Coherent states: mathematical and physical aspects’.
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