The integration of renewable energy sources, particularly grid-tied solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, into the modern power grid has become increasingly prevalent. However, ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of grid-tied PV systems under various grid conditions, including fault scenarios, poses a significant challenge. In the event of grid faults or disturbances, traditional control methods often fall short in maintaining stable and reliable operation. This paper introduces a multi-layer neural network (MLNN) based MPPT controller that adapts intelligently to grid fault conditions, mitigating the impact on the grid-tied PV system's performance and providing low voltage ride through (LVRT). The research employs a detailed simulation framework on MATLAB to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller under fault conditions. The LVRT capability of the designed system was analyzed and validated according to Indian grid code. The proposed controller leverages its capacity to learn and make real-time decisions to optimize the active and reactive power outputs of the PV system as per the grid code. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed controller not only improves the fault tolerance of grid-tied PV systems but also enhances their performance, ensuring a stable and continuous power supply in the face of grid disturbances.
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