Author's Abstract The purpose of this paper is to picture the essential facts and problems relating to the present and future metropolitan area of San Francisco Bay, and to outline what might be done to reduce future hazards to life and property from earthquake and earthquake fires. The conclusion is reached that the future metropolitan area will include the region immediately tributary to San Francisco, within an average radius of forty miles from the Ferry Building at San Francisco, and embracing fifty-four per cent of the nine Bay counties. The included land which will be capable of intensive development covers 876,300 acres. The ultimate population of this area will be between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000, and the true value of all taxable property at least $12,000,000,000, of which fifty per cent will be more or less destructible. The future metropolitan area will include an eleven-fold greater land area than at present, a fourfold increase in population, and a sixfold growth in value of all property. A limiting feature in the attainment of this population will be water supply. The future demand will be at least 1,075 million gallons daily, of which 250 million gallons may be developed from local sources. Of the latter quantity, 100 million gallons daily have already been developed. To meet future demands, outside sources must be brought in equivalent to the full development proposed for the Hetch Hetchy, Mokelumne, and Eel River Projects. The Sacramento-San Joaquin River at the head of the Bay may also be drawn upon. Systematic establishment of open spaces in the form of broad thoroughfares, highways, parks, public grounds, etc., to act as fire-breaks and places of refuge for the inhabitants. Preservation of an adequate and efficient ferry system in conjunction with trans-Bay bridges or tubes when built. Revision or adoption of building codes designed to promote earthquake-proof construction and use of fire-resistant building materials. Adoption of a definite program to be followed by electric and gas utilities at the occurrence of an earthquake, to reduce fire hazard from these sources. Increasing the amount of local storage capacity in the water distribution systems of different communities so as to provide a reserve for domestic and fire use in case of serious interruption in supply mains. Utilizing all feasible reservoir sites in the Bay region for reserve storage, and as far as possible interconnecting all reservoirs and distribution systems, with the ultimate aim of completely circling the Bay with transmission pipe line or conduit capable of drawing water from any major reservoirs in case of emergency. Establishment of a plan of organization, both local and general, for handling the water problems of the future metropolitan area.
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