COVER FEATURE Author note:Ofthe poems cited inthisnomination statement,Iwould liketo acknowledge translations fromthe followingthree pioneeringbooks on Duo Duo inthe English-speaking world:GregoryLee and JohnCayley'sLookingOut from Death: FromtheCultural RevolutiontoTiananmen Square (1989), Maghiel van Crevel'sLanguage Shattered:Contemporary ChinesePoetry and Duoduo (1996), and GregoryLee's TheBoyWhoCatches Wasps (2002). Atsome places I have modifiedthem or have used myown translations fromContemporary Chinese Literature: FromtheCultural Revolution totheFuture(2007). Duo is a great lonetraveler crossingborders ofnation, language, and history as well as a resolute seerof someofthemost basic,universal human values that haveoften beenshadowedinourtroubled modern time:creativity, nature, love,dreams, andwishful thinking. Bornin 1951,Duo Duo's poetrycareer began in the early1970sin Beijingduring theisolated,midnight hoursof theCultural Revolution. Asa lone,disillusioned RedGuard youth, hewasinspired byhisclandestine readingofBaudelaire and other Western authors. His veryfirst poemsimmediately strike one withunusually intense and abstract yetvivid visions, suchas in thebeginning linesofthe shortpoem "Unti tied " (1972):"Thesoundof singing eclipsesthebloodstench ofrevolution / Augustis stretched likea cruelbow."Or,in "Untitled" (1973):"Thebloodofone classhas drainedaway / The archers ofanother class are stillloosingtheir arrows." Or,in "To the Sun" (1973),whereastheentire poemsounds likea reformulated ode to theomnipresence andomnipotence ofthesun,anorthodox referencetothe "great helmsman" Chairman Maoat thattime, thelastlineunderscores, orexposes, theparadoxical fateofthesunitself: "Youcreate ,risingin theEast / You are unfree, like a universally circulating coin!"Thesepowerful ,bare-boned epiphaniesall critiquedthe Cultural Revolution from an insider's pointof viewand ina highly sophisticated, dialectical, and original style.In Duo Duo's 1976poem "Instructions," he further summarizes hisand hiscontemporaries' artistic deedsconducted in theunderground oftheCultural Revolution and delivers a soberconclusion: "Whattheyhave experienced - isonlythetragedy ofbirth." Through suchnegative visions, Duo Duo gainedhisownhistorical subjectivity andindividualagency . He paid a highpriceforthese insights. An abandoned, bad-blooded bastard childofrevolution and modernism, Duo Duo from theveryonsetofhiscareer foresees a life thatis exiledfrom butalsoimprisoned byhistory : "From that superstitious moment on/The motherland was led awayby another father" ("Blessings," 1972);"Ah moonlight, hinting at theclearly seenexile. . ." ("Night," 1973).In "Marguerite's TravelswithMe" (1974),Duo Duo revealstheultimate existential gap faced by thelyrical protagonist tornbetween a real Chinaandanimaginary West. Thepoem'sfirst partstarts withlines"Likeyoupromised the Sun / Getcrazy, Marguerite," echoing Baudelaire 'sfamous"Invitation totheVoyage," and inviting a certain Marguerite toa spontaneous, freewheeling rhapsody ofcosmopolitan travel. Butsucha fantastic voyage onlyendsup,inthe secondpart,in pledgingthisimaginary "Ah, noble Marguerite / Ignorant Marguerite" to takean alternate, heavyhearted, utterly soberingvisittotheimpoverished Chinesecountrysidethat hadbeenhopelessly stuck inthemire ofa failedrevolutionary utopia.Theidealized, romantic bondbetween Marguerite and "me" thushas tobe rendered as an impossible culde -sac.Duo Duo's early poetry hencegenerates meaningful andnuancedreflections onhistory 48 1WorldLiterature Today kUUAI||UMKUWjUUWBI ^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H and revolution as well as on modernity and modernism, sketching a Sisyphean fate imposed uponindividuals from within andwithout the borders ofnation andhistory. Duo Duo's poemsofthe1980scontinued butalso expandedon hispoeticexperimentation . Inparticular, Duo Duoproves himself tobe a great innovator oflinguistic forms andpoetic craft whoseliberating poweris alwaysinspiringandsublime . Constantly, Duo Duo betson "wishful thinking": "Ifthemaking oflanguage comesfrom thekitchen / Theheart is thebedroom .Theysay:/ Iftheheart is thebedroom / Wishful thinking is thebedroom's master" ("LanguageIs Made In the Kitchen," 1984). Meanwhile, Duo Duo increasingly focuseson thetheme ofthenorthern landscapes ofChina, intending to invokeand restore an abundant correspondence betweennatureand ancient human spirit against theensnarement ofmodern history anditsrigid, harsh noisethat lacksany humanor natural breath. Thiselemental tendency is showninhispoem"Northern Voices" (1985), whoseending linesremind oneofLaozi, theancient Taoistphilosopher's teaching that "thegreatest utterance issilence": "Alllanguages /Shallbeshattered bythewordless voice." Butitwouldbea gravemistake tosaythat Duo Duo isa poetwhohasrenounced hopeand theprospect ofhumancommunication. While cleansing andreforming a polluted, ossified language ,Duo Duo seeksto speak,nevertheless, through a different medium, and paystribute to itsgreatpowerand awe. Another poemin this"North" sequence, "Northern Sea" (1984), depicts a vast, almost eschatological, panoramic sceneofsolitude, alienation, and desolateness. Andyetthesamepoemcloseswith anultimate affirmation ofhumanlove,evenifsuchlove maybemerely a phantom evoked from thepast "Butfrom a largebasket lifted up high/ I see allthose whohavelovedme/Closely, closely, closely-huddledtogether " In a mostdramatic fashion, Duo Duo left Chinaon precisely June 4, 1989,after witnessingtheincidents ofTiananmen Squareat first hand.Duringtheensuingfifteen years,Duo Duo lived in exile and traveledthroughout westernEurope,NorthAmerica,and many otherpartsoftheworld,seemingto literally fulfill the darkprophecies of his own early poetry written during theCultural Revolution. Inpoemswritten shortly after hesettled inthe ^^^^^^^Em¥mSI^^^^^^^^M ^^^Hüü^^^^ ■ •'• ..'übe ^Fì^ wji^^^K^^^H^^^B ^^^^^^^^^M EHHI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H COVER FEATURE Mai Mang (YibingHuang) was borninChangde, Hunan, in 1967 and inherited Tujia ethnicminority blood from hismother.He established himself as a poet inthe 1980s and received hisBA,MA,and PhD...
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