The current standard model of cosmology, $\Lambda$CDM, requires dark matter to make up around $25\%$ of the total energy budget of the Universe. Yet, quite puzzlingly, there appears to be no candidate particle in the current Standard Model of particle physics. Assuming the validity of the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm, dark matter has evaded detection thus far either because it is intrinsically a weakly interacting substance or because its interactions are suppressed by its high constituent mass and low number density. Most approaches to explain dark matter to date assume the former and therefore require beyond-the-Standard-Model particles that have yet to be observed directly or indirectly. Given the dearth of evidence for this class of candidates it is timely to consider the latter possibility, which allows for candidates that may or may not arise from the Standard Model. In this work we extend a recent study of this general class of so-called macro dark matter--candidates with characteristic masses of grams and geometric cross sections of cm$^2$. We consider new bounds that can be set using existing data from the resonant bar gravitational wave detectors NAUTILUS and EXPLORER.
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