Trials were established in Fayetteville, Ark., in 1993 and in 1994 to evaluate grape germplasm for downy mildew resistance. Accessions were obtained from the national grape repositories in Geneva, N.Y.; Davis, Calif.; and the Univ. of Arkansas fruit substation, Clarksville. The 1993 trial contained 26 cultivars, eight selections, and 24 Vitis species; the 1994 trial contained 37 cultivars. Each trial had four single-plant replications. Plants were rated on a scale of 0 to 5 for sporulation, chlorosis, and necrosis on 23 Aug. and 26 Sept. 1994. Fungicides were not applied to the vineyard to better determine the level of natural downy mildew resistance. The results from both trials indicated that several grape accessions showed little or no symptoms of downy mildew, which suggests these have resistance that would be beneficial to use in a breeding program.