Size effect has a significant influence on the accuracy of two key factors of parameters and models in crystal plasticity simulation. This study introduces a parameter identification method that considers the indentation size effect, determining the initial slip resistance of IN625 alloy. Based on the identified parameters and utilizing the integral point traversal method, a grain boundary affected zone (GBAZ), whose strength field related to the distance to the grain boundary (GB) is introduced into the polycrystalline microstructure to represent the hindering effect of GBs on dislocations. This method effectively predicts the Hall-Petch effect and strain hardening behavior of IN625 alloy. The research reveals that dislocation pile-ups primarily concentrate in small grain clusters within the material. In fine-grained microstructures, a large volume fraction of GBs promotes dislocation pile-ups, reducing the mean free path of dislocations, leading to an increase in dislocation multiplication rate, and consequently, enhancing the strain hardening rate. An increase in GBAZ thickness results in a large stress level within the material, accompanied by a decrease in the homogeneity of stress distribution. However, the sensitivity of strain to GBAZ thickness is found to be low. The method proposed in this work holds significant applicative relevance in parameter calibration and prediction the mechanical properties of polycrystalline materials.
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