482 BOOK REVIEWS El don de sabiduria sequin santo Tomas: Divinizacion, filiacion y connaturalidad . By CRUZ GONZALEZ AYJESTA. Pamplona, Eunsa, 1999. Pp. 216. $26.50. ISBN A8431316020. A doctoral thesis in theology done at the University of Navarre, this is an interesting work on the gift of wisdom according to St. Thomas. The author develops his subject in five chapters of unequal length. The first two, historical, are followed by a three-part essay that is analytical and speculative in thrust. The author first outlines in detail some controversies among twentiethcentury theologians on the subject of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which were touched off by the challenge to the universal call to mysticism. Even though the universality of the Christian vocation to holiness was generally accepted, there were important differences of opinion as to the meaning of the word mystical, depending on whether one referred simply to baptismal grace or to extraordinary ways of union with God. The necessity of the gifts for salvation, affirmed by St. Thomas, was the occasion of a debate at the beginning of the twentieth century between the Dominican Froget and Perriot, a collaborator on the review "l'Ami du Clerge," who wrote the work, "The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Souls of the Just." Froget held that the gifts are necessary in order to go beyond the organism of the virtues, but that they are not necessary for the production of each supernatural action. Perriot, on the contrary, thought that such action proceeds simultaneously from two different moving principles, in such wise that the gifts extend their influence to the entire Christian life. After describing this original controversy, the author distinguishes two theories that formed as it were two schools. The first, promoted by GarrigouLagrange and in great part by Gardeil, following Froget's line of thought, saw the essential difference between the virtues and the gifts to be their mode of action-human and superhuman respectively, the gifrs being superior to the virtues. This theory was based on St. Thornas's Commentary on the Sentences ofPeter Lombard and supposedly found a confirmation of its intuitions in the writings of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila. J. de Guibert, for his part, was of the that St. Thomas's thought had evolved, and that in his maturity he saw the gifts as habitus, receptive rather than operative, disposing a person to docility to the Holy Spirit. In this perspective Guibert thought, in contrast to Garrigou-Lagrange, that not too much importance should be attached to the division into seven gifts. Later, Congar would adopt this position . As can be seen, the debate turned on the exegesis of St. Thomas's texts. Regarding question 68 of the Prima secundae, some saw in artide 2 a statement by St. Thomas that the gifts surpass the virtues, while others found in artide 8 the superiority of the theological virtues over the gifts. The author devotes twenty pages (37-58) to the question of an evolution in the thought of St. Thomas regarding the gifts: Garrigou-Lagrange saw only a verbal evolution, while Guibert attempted to show that St. Thomas broke with the immediately BOOK REVIEWS 483 preceding tradition in order to return to William of Auvergne's concept of the gifts as passive and receptive. Philipon held a middle position of moderate evolution. The historical tour ends on a note of astonishment at the fact that since the Second Vatican Council a certain disaffection has emerged in regard to this teaching on the gifts, while at the same time the Holy Spirit Himself has become the object of renewed interest. The paradox may be due to a misinterpretation of the theory. An emphasis on St. Thomas's teaching on the subject of the new law by authors such as Pinckaers, Garcia of Haro, and Mongillo, that throws light on the debated specificity of Christian ethics, may prove fruitful in getting us beyond the impasse. What is the source of the theory denounced above? The second chapter throws the blame squarely on John of St. Thomas. He is the one who maintained a real distinction between virtues and gifts on...
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