Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF SIMS) with MeV primary ions offers a fine balance between secondary ion yield for molecules in the mass range from 100 to 1000 Da and beam spot size, both of which are critical for imaging applications of organic samples. Using conically shaped glass capillaries with an exit diameter of a few micrometers, a high energy heavy primary beam can be collimated to less than 10 μm. In this work, imaging capabilities of such a setup are presented for some organic samples (leucine-evaporated mesh, fly wing section, ink deposited on paper). Lateral resolution measurement and molecular distributions of selected mass peaks are shown. The negative influence of the beam halo, an unavoidable characteristic of primary beam collimation with a conical capillary, is also discussed. A new start trigger for TOF measurements based on the detection of secondary electrons released by the primary ion is presented. This method is applicable for a continuous primary ion beam, and for thick targets that are not transparent to the primary ion beam. The solution preserves the good mass resolution of the thin target setup, where the detection of primary ions with a PIN diode is used for a start trigger, reduces the background, and enables a wide range of samples to be analyzed.
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