Goats indeed have a significant historical and contemporary importance in human civilization, particularly in the realm of agriculture and food production. Their adaptability and widespread distribution have made them crucial for various societies across the world. Goats have played a central role in the Neolithic agricultural revolution, aiding in the spread of human civilization globally. Their adaptability allowed them to thrive in diverse environments, contributing to the sustenance and expansion of human settlements. Goats are highly adaptable and are found in a wide range of geographical regions. Their presence spans across continents, from tropical to temperate climates, showcasing their ability to thrive in various environmental conditions. There is diversity in the production performance of goats based on the region of the world and the specific breeds. Genetic improvement programs aim to enhance economically important traits such as milk production, growth rates and fiber production, thereby increasing productivity and income for goat farmers. Understanding the genetic parameters such as heritabilities and repeatabilities for various traits is crucial for designing effective breeding programs. These parameters provide insights into the genetic potential of goats for traits like milk production, growth and fiber quality. Heritability estimates for reproductive traits, body weight, daily gain and direct and maternal heritability are important for implementing selective breeding strategies aimed at improving overall productivity and efficiency in goat farming. Genetic improvement programs have been implemented in tropical environments to enhance milk production traits in goats. Genetic improvements have also targeted fiber production in goats, with a focus on traits such as grease fleece weight and average fiber diameter. These efforts aim to enhance the quality and quantity of fiber produced by goats for various commercial purposes. Despite the importance of conserving goat breeds with unique characteristics, planned conservation programs in tropical regions are often neglected. It’s emphasized that preserving indigenous goat breeds in their native habitats is essential for maintaining genetic diversity and ensuring future resilience in goat farming.