Abstract Disclosure: M. Zogg: None. A.D. Grötsch: None. J. Birk: None. P. Pelczar: None. J. Bouitbir: None. A. Odermatt: None. Hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PD) catalyzes the first two steps of the pentose-phosphate pathway (PPP) within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), generating the redox equivalent NADPH. It has been shown that mice lacking H6PD develop defects mainly in skeletal muscles [1]. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying the myopathy in H6PD KO mice is unknown. Here, we further assessed muscle responses to H6PD deficiency and aimed to uncover the mechanisms that may cause myopathy in mice. We conducted a detailed characterization of the muscle structure and function as well as energy metabolism in oxidative and glycolytic muscles of H6PD KO mice. At the age of 15 weeks, H6PD KO mice displayed lower body weight than WT mice, despite similar food and water intake. Grip strength was significantly lower in H6PD KO than in WT mice. This was associated with decreased weight of the mixed (gastrocnemius, quadriceps) and fast fiber type rich muscles of the hind leg (extensor digitorum longus, tibialis anterior) in H6PD KO animals. Atrogin1 and Murf1 mRNA expression, markers of atrophy, increased only in the white (glycolytic) quadriceps. In this context, fast-twitch fibers in WT mice displayed higher H6pd mRNA expression than slow-twitch fibers. Electron microscopy analysis of red and white gastrocnemius muscles displayed the presence of large intramyofibrillar vacuoles, and morphologic changes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in H6PD KO muscle. Metabolically, H6PD KO muscles presented an accumulation of glycogen granules and significantly decreased mRNA expression of glucose transporter Glut4, glucose-6-phosphate transporter G6pt and glycogen phosphorylase Pygm. The exercise capacity, measured by maximal running distance, decreased by more than 50% in H6PD KO mice. Upon exercise, both WT and H6PD KO animals were able to mobilize the majority of glycogen stored in their muscles. However, immediately after exercise, there was a significant increase in plasma lactate and glucose levels in H6PD KO animals. Disturbances in glucose metabolism were further supported by in vitro experiments using stable C2C12 H6PD KO myoblasts, revealing a shift in basal state mitochondrial fuel oxidation usage from glucose to fatty acid and glutamine in metabolic dependency assays. In conclusion, our findings revealed that H6PD seems to play a key role in proper function and energy metabolism of skeletal muscles.
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