High molecular weight glutenin subunits plays an important role in conditioning the end-use quality of wheat products. The aim of the study was to determine the composition of HMW glutenin subunits, occurrence frequency of theses subunits and the potential of the end—use quality in spring wheat. The analysis included 81 European cultivars of spring wheat with a potential use in the food industry. Eight gene-specific markers were used to screen for HMW-GS. The analyzed genotypes showed twenty-five different allelic combinations at the Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci. The results showed that the most common at the Glu-A1 locus was Ax2* (58%), followed by Ax1 and Axnull (the same frequency of 21%). A high variation in allelic combinations was detected at the Glu-B1 locus. The Bx7* subunit was present in 65% cultivars, Bx7 in 25%, Bx7 or Bx7* in 7.5% and Bx6 in 2.5%. The frequency of By9 was 59%, By8—21% and Bynull—20%. A higher frequency of Dx5 + Dy10 (80%) was observed at Glu-D1 compared to Dx2 + Dy12 (16%) in the analyzed cultivars. A rare pattern of the Dx5 + Dy12 subunits was also detected (in 4% of cultivars tested). Ax2*, Bx7* + By9, Dx5 + Dy10 and Ax1, Bx7* + By9, Dx5 + Dy10, which determine good technological quality in wheat, were one of the most frequently detected allelic combinations at Glu-1. The conducted analysis showed that the tested cultivars were characterized by the potentially good and very good end-use quality of wheat products. These cultivars can be used effectively in the food industry.