Nation states, families, ethnic groups, villages, and economic organizations — every collectivity — need to draw a line between what or whom is, or is not, permitted within it. Lacking the determination of such lines of discrimination, namely the production, reproduction and stabilization thereof, the collectivity disappears. Today. we find ourselves in a global world-system which has begun to show its own dynamic. It is a system without any center. It is not controlled by goals, norms or political directives, and its own dynamic is not focused within geopolitical borderlines or by the locality in general. In the following I sketch the deconstruction and reconstruction of borderlines and the emergence of new membership conditions within global settings in the context of the evolution of codes of membership. Also, one needs to mention an essential change in contemporary social sciences as a theoretical consequence of the analysis of the process of globalization. The subject of theorizing social process is not society as a regional or territorial marked unit, not the societas civilis, or like Parsons (1966, 9) has argued: “A society is a type of social system, in any universe of social systems, which attains the highest level of self-sufficiency as a system in relation to its environment.” The realm of the social are the inter-societal communication networks, that is world-systems as Chase-Dunn and Hall (1998) referred to it in the plural, which have restructured all local social structure (on the concept of world-systems, see Wallerstein 1998, Chase-Dunn and Hall 1998, Chase-Dunn 1999).