We consider global analytic hypoellipticity of differential operators on the 2-torus, and prove that it is equivalent to a growth condition on the symbol. An example of a vector field which is globally analytic hypoelliptic but not globally hypoelliptic is constructed. Similar results are true on compact homogeneous spaces. 1. We discuss global analytic hypoellipticity for invariant differential operators on T2, and contrast it with global hypoellipticity (the topic of [G]). In particular, we construct a constant coefficient vector field on T2 which is globally analytic hypoelliptic but not globally hypoelliptic. 2. Let T2 = {(exp i01, exp iO2); Oj E R}. If L E D'(T2) (a distribution on T2) define L(n, m) = L(exp (-in01 im02)). Suppose P is an invariant differential operator: P = IN1=0 a7. Dk D , where ak E C and D' = ((1/i)a/a03)k. Define P(n, m) = ENI=k aklnlml, for n, m integers. We say P is globally hypoelliptic when: (GH) If g E C'(T2), and Pf = g, f ED 9'(T2), thenf E C'(T2). Let A(T2) denote the real analytic functions on T2. We say P is globally analytic hypoelliptic when: (GAH) If g E A(T2), and Pf = g, f E9'(T2), thenf E A(T2). The following theorem was proved in [G]. THEOREM 2.1. P is (GH) if and only if there are positive real numbers L and M so that: (LM) IP(n, m)l > L/(n2 + m2)M, for lnl, Iml sufficiently large. An analogous characterization of (GAH) is given below. THEOREM 2.2. P is (GAH) if and only iffor any positive real number K there is a positive integer NK so that: (KN) Jfi(n, m)l > exp (-K(n2 + m2)1/2),for lnl, Iml larger than NK. Received by the editors March 10, 1971. AMS 1970 subject classifications. Primary 35H05, 42A92, 43A75.
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