The study of the polymorphism of individual genes is the basis of both preventive medicine and is used in the selection of adequate therapy. Polymorphism of individual candidate genes in bronchial asthma (BA) is studied taking into account many personal characteristics and the influence of environmental factors. Aim - to analyze the status of the study of the role of polymorphism of β2-adrenoceptors (ADRβ2) in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma in children and to compare them with our own findings. Materials and methods. The results of research on polymorphism of individual genes in children with BA, which includes the PubMed database, were analyzed. An in-depth study of the anamnesis data (disease, life, hereditary), a complex clinical and laboratory examination of children (n=101) of school age with BA was carried out (the average age was: for boys 11.15±0.48 years; for girls - 10.63±0.7 years). Patients were diagnosed with BA in accordance with the GINA recommendations of the current revision. Determination of the Arg16Gly polymorphism of the ADRβ2 gene (rs 1042713) was performed by the polymerase chain reaction method followed by restriction enzyme analysis. The obtained data were processed in the Statsoft STATISTICA software package. Mean values were given as (M±m), Student's test was used for comparison. Results. The assessment of the frequency of polymorphism of the Arg16Gly gene in BA established that two variants prevailed in boys: Arg16Gly and Gly16Gly; at that time, the Gly16Gly genotype prevailed among girls, which, according to individual studies, is associated with good effectiveness of the applied therapy (nebulization of salbutamol). Mutations in the ADRβ2 gene in patients with BA were twice as frequent in the Arg16Gly genotype and three times as frequent in the Gln27Glu genotype, in contrast to healthy children. Such a polymorphism affects the functional activity of ADRβ2, the occurrence and course of BA. Conclusions. The Arg16Gly polymorphism of the ADRβ2 gene in children with BA largely determines the sensitivity of ADRβ2 to the applied exacerbation therapy and the effectiveness of basic treatment. In patients with the Gly16Gly genotype, most researchers note the good clinical effectiveness of both fast broncholytic drugs (β2 short-acting agonists) and basic anti-inflammatory drugs. The diagnosed homozygous Arg16Arg genotype of the ADRβ2 gene mostly accompanies the uncontrolled (or partially controlled) course of asthma in children. The revealed features of the Arg16Gly polymorphism of the ADRβ2 gene will help the doctor to draw up an adequate treatment plan, which is based on the genetically determined sensitivity of ADRβ2 receptors to medical preparations. The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies. No conflict of interests was declared by the author.
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