1. Female somatic nuclei of Mikiola fagi contain only diploid sets of S-chromosomes (8 S), while germ-line nuclei have 24 chromosomes (8 S-chromosomes + 16 E-chromosomes). 2. In oogenesis only S-chromosomes form chiasmatic bivalents, while E-chromosomes occur as univalents. At prometaphase, and immediately before the first maturation division, the E-chromosomes may temporarily form associations of two, three or four, a contact which is of the somatic pairing type. 3. At metaphase, E-chromosomes are simultaneously eliminated from the spindle. This phenomenon is probably the result of a temporary inactivation of the kinetochores of E-chromosomes and may be interpreted as proof of the existence of transverse elimination forces in the spindle. 4. The E-chromosomes eliminated from the spindle aggregate as a rule in one or, less frequently, two or three groups, each of which forms then its own spindle. 5. Shortly before the first maturation division E-chromosomes rejoin the spindle with the bivalents. 6. During the first maturation division, which is a reduction division for S-chromosomes, the anaphase movement of E-chromosomes is greatly delayed. E-chromosomes, owing to the strong anaphase elongation of the spindle, are passively distributed on its surface. 7. There is no interphase between the first and second maturation division. Towards the end of anaphase I two small spindles of the second meiotic division are formed at the spindle poles, each of which contains only one haploid set of S-chromosomes. 8. Equational splitting of E-chromosomes occurs mostly when the S-chromosomes are at metaphase of the second maturation division. The anaphase movement of daughter E-chromosomes begins without prior formation of a metaphase plate. The position of E-chromosomes on the spindle surface seems to have no influence on the separation of the daughter chromosomes and their migration to the opposite poles of the first meiotic spindle. The anaphase movement of the daughter E-chromosomes, which occurs at the time when S-chromosomes undergo the second maturation division, leads to the formation of two groups each containing 16 chromosomes. In the early stages of this movement, each of the daughter E-chromosomes is oriented towards the pole not with its kinetochore but with one of its ends. Thus, the bivalent S-chromosomes undergo two maturation divisions whereby their number is reduced, while the univalent E-chromosomes undergo only one equational division. 9. It is postulated that the egg nucleus is formed as the result of a fusion between one haploid set of S-chromosomes and one set of E-chromosomes. As it is not known whether the eggs develop without fertilization, the establishment of the diploid number is open to discussion. Probably, in the Polish populations of the species with a very low percentage of males, the development starts with the fusion of the egg-nucleus with a haploid set of S-chromosomes whereby the number is raised from 20 to 24. 10. The evolution of cecidomyiid oogenesis is discussed. The modifications of oogenesis observed in the subfamily Cecidomyiinae are interpreted as mechanisms preventing the decrease of the number of univalent E-chromosomes during maturation divisions. 11. During prophase a special nuclear material accumulates around the chromosomes grouped inside the nucleus and leads to its characteristic differentiation into an interior part containing both S- and E-chromosomes and an exterior zone of nuclear sap. In prometaphase the first meiotic spindle arises from material localized in the interior part of the nucleus. The problems of the origin of the spindle-forming material as well as the formation of spindles by the E-chromosomes eliminated into the cytoplasm are discussed.
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