The design of building structures requires compliance with seismic codes and all their consequences. Based on geotechnical investigation reports, the construction of Sei Wampu Bridge in Langkat, North Sumatra, Indonesia, is located in an area where the soil layers are predominantly sand with shallow water levels because of its proximity to a river and is a high earthquake zone due to the Semangko fault. That condition will affect the potential of liquefaction occurring. This study aims to identify the liquefaction potential in the Sei Wampu Bridge. Based on Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 1726-2019, sites prone to liquefaction are categorized as site class-specific soil (F) and requires site-specific response analysis (SSRA) methods. Non-linear analysis 1-D is chosen to propagate earthquake waves with the software DEEPSOIL V7. The input parameter for soil movement utilizes an average spectral matching method with a minimum of 7 pairs of soil movement selected from the earthquake recording website, PEER Ground Motion Database. The selection of earthquake considers a 1000-year earthquake load return period, or a 7% probability exceeded within 75 years. Site-specific response analysis (SSRA) resulted in a peak ground acceleration (PGA) value for each borehole depth used in liquefaction potential analysis. Using a historical earthquake scenario with a 6.3 Mw shows that the research location has liquefaction potential at 0 m-15 m deep with high vulnerability levels, where the LPI value reaches 36.21.
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