Soil Moisture Experiment 2003 (SMEX03) was the second in a series of field campaigns using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR/CX) designed to validate brightness temperature (T/sub B/) data and soil moisture retrieval algorithms for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) for the Earth Observing System on the Aqua satellite. Objectives related to the PSR/CX during SMEX03 included: calibration and validation of AMSR-E T/sub B/ observations over different climate/vegetation regions of the U.S. [Alabama (AL), Georgia (GA), Oklahoma (OK)], identification of possible areas of radio-frequency interference (RFI), comparison of X-band observations from Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission Microwave Imager (TMI), AMSR-E, and PSR/CX, and exploring the potential of soil moisture retrieval algorithms using C- and X-band imagery in diverse landscapes. In the current investigation, more than 100 flightlines of PSR/CX data were extensively processed to produce gridded T/sub B/ products for the four study regions. Due to the lack of significant rainfall in OK, generally dry soil moisture conditions were observed. Observations obtained over AL include a wide range of soil moisture and vegetation conditions. Results from the AL site clearly showed a lack of sensitivity to rainfall/soil moisture under forest canopy cover. Quantitative comparisons made with the TMI validated that both the PSR/CX and AMSR-E X-band channels were well calibrated. Spectral analyses indicated that the PSR/CX observations at C-band also are reasonable. As expected, there were varying degrees of RFI in the AMSR-E C-band data for the study sites that will prevent further soil moisture analysis using these data. X-band comparisons of the PSR/CX high-resolution and AMSR-E and TMI low-resolution data indicated a linear scaling for the range of conditions studied in SMEX03. These results will form the basis for further soil moisture investigations.