Bright Spots first appeared in the February 2005 issue of TLE. It was coordinated by Stephen Hill. Over the years, coordinators also included Christopher Liner, Ken Mahrer, Yonghe Sun, and John Stockwell. Hill laid out the goal of Bright Spots in his inaugural column: “My goal is to share the excitement of the breadth of our profession and to tempt you to increase your reading of GEophysics, not to replace it. Thus, these are excerpts of articles, teasers, if you will.” I have tried to adhere to that challenging goal by producing teasers that capture the paper's interest instead of reiterating a summary. This way of writing is not taught in school, and originally, I drafted the excerpts myself. Later, I involved authors and wish I had more time to involve them more often. In the future, I hope to address this type of communication in a separate TLE article. Please check out the interesting papers below.