Information is a physical. Physical systems register and process information. These facts generated enormus interest in the development of novel quantum tecnologies, especially because the construction of smaller electronic devices ultimately leads to a consideration of quantum mechanical effects in electronic and computer desingns. The notion of the classical bit of information theory was formally pushed into the realm of the quanta with the introduction of the quantum bit or qubit, in the seminal works of Deutsch (Deutsch, 1985) and Shor (Shor, 1994). They demostrated that, indeed, controlled multipartite qubit interference effects could provide the means for a radical new way of computing, allowing the computation of many intractable computational problems, such as the factoring of large number or exact simulation of large quantum systems. The field of experimental and theoretical research in quantum information and computation has emerged as very important player in the understanding of quantum phenomena the both the basic and technological levels. This has attracted the attention of numerous researchers with backgrounds ranging from computer science, mathematics and engineerin, to the physical sciences, and we now have an interdisciplinary field where great efforts are being made in order to build devices that allow the progressing of information at a quantum level.
 A concise introduction to the field of quantum information and quantum computation is presented. This stars with the bassic definitions of bits, quantum registers, through to the universal gate-set for building the universal quantum computer, from a quantum network model of computation. The work shows how two-qubit gates suffice for quantum computation, emphasing the power of the quantum circuit representation for entagling and disentagling quantum states. This leads to the “no-cloning theorem”, which leads us to many interesting applications, such as quantum cryptography. Two alternative approaches or performing quantum computation are also described i) the one-way or measurement based quantum computer method, and ii) holonomic or geometric quantum computation. Following this, quantum entaglement quantification is highlighted, particulary its usefulness as a communication resource, in order to describe some of its most celebrated practical applications to date: quantum teleportation, cryptography, dens coding, and data compression. Deutsch’s concept of quantum parallelism is enphasized in order to gain insight into the potential for efficiently solving certain classically intratable algorithms. A subject central to the field of QIP- quantum decoherence- is then introduced.. Possible ways to overcome it, in particular quantum error correction, are discussed. A descriptios of some of the currently available hardware of the practical implementation of quantum computation is provided with a discussion of the main physical quantum bits that are currently employed (or proposed) for a such a purpose.
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