Use of digital geodetic support technologies with the use of GNSS satellite systems in combination with electronic geodetic instruments, introduction of new methods of construction of geodetic networks, collection of information by ground and aerospace surveying, unification of exchange formats of measurement results based on computer technologies and their application conditions. Substantiation and development of remote methods of spatial information collection requires analysis and consideration of a number of errors in order to improve accuracy.
 Wikimapia is a map project for shared use with open content, which aims to identify all geographical objects with the introduction of useful information about them. It combines an interactive web map and a Wiki system.
 One of the features of the Wikimapia resource is that it is possible to determine geographical coordinates. To do this, you need to move the cross cursor on the object of interest and get its coordinates visually.
 The purpose of the study was to determine the accuracy of the coordinates of GPS receivers Garmin Oregon 450 in the built-up area, using as a basis for calibration, the resource "Wikimapia".
 In order to determine the accuracy of the location with the help of GARMIN Oregon 450 GPS receivers, GNSS measurements were performed at 30 marker points.
 Ellipsoidal coordinates were recalculated into spatial rectangles according to known formulas.
 In order to assess the accuracy of determining the location of marker points, the differences in the coordinates of their position were found and the root mean square error from a number of measurements was found.
 The average error of coordinate measurements was ± 4.79 m for the GPS receiver.
 Based on experimental research, the possibility of using the resource "Wikimapia" not only to quickly determine the coordinates of topographic objects, determine their categories, but also with sufficient accuracy to apply for the calibration of navigation GNSS receivers when there is no network of geodetic points.
 A promising direction in the process of scientific and practical research should be the creation of a general mathematical model for predicting the influence of the plurality on the location and improvement of navigation aids.
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