Anthropogenic activities raise the atmosphere greenhouse gases especially carbon dioxide caveat Global warming and climate change in recent years. Silica is one of the principal elements in the earth crust and consider as an important source for plant growth and development. Silica is absorbed as mono silicic acid (H4SiO4) deposit as opal stone / Phytolith in the cellular spaces and vascular bundles of the plant parts. The highest phytolith content of rice plant was observed in straw and incorporated into the soil during harvesting operation and acts as a resilience material. The Lsi1 and Lsi2 transporters along with major and secondary plant nutrients undergone polymerization with adsorbed Si for the formation of phytolith structure in rice. The rice Phytolith gives structural support, acts as a defence mechanism, imparts biotic and abiotic stresses, and nullifies the toxicity of some of the toxic metals and salinization of soil. Phytolith occluded carbon is formed by occlusion mechanism along with phytolith and other elements. PhytOC involves in geo chemical carbon cycle and climate change mitigation process. During the past sixty years, the annual carbon sequestration varied between 0.81×106 and 3.88×106 Mg-e-CO2 and maximum of 37×108 Mg-e-CO2 within phytoliths of rice crop in China. Archaeology, paleo botany, geology and pale ecological research on Phytoliths are carried out, because silica is a base, non-degradable and preserve as microfossils. Use of silicon rich organic and inorganic sources enhances the Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) and Phytolith C sequestration in the rice eco system.
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