Currently, knowledge of structure and tectonic evolution of the Arctic lithosphere remains limited. The effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere (Te) is a parameter that describes the lithospheric integrated strength and reflects its thermal and rheological properties, which helps to reveal intraplate tectonic process. In this study, we present a high-resolution Te model in the Arctic region (north of 67°N), which is highly heterogeneous and strongly correlated with various regional tectonic elements. To verify the recovered Te, its pattern is compared to those obtained in previous studies that used different methods and to available heat flow measurements and seismic velocity model and shows good agreement. High Te values are found in the Greenland shield, North American craton and Siberian craton, which are compatible with results from previous studies of high seismic velocity and low heat flow, suggesting that cold, thick lithosphere remains tectonically undisturbed. Low Te values occur in the Amerasia Basin, Baffin Bay, Eurasia Basin and North Atlantic Ocean where young oceanic lithosphere is created. Moreover, the areas affected by regional volcanism in the Siberian Traps and HALIP are dominated by reductions in Te, which we attribute to thermal rejuvenation triggered by the intrusion of magma. Weak lithosphere also dominates in tectonically active orogens as well, including the Alaska-Chukotka, Novaya Zemlya and Caledonides, and is related to the stress released during collisional deformation. We find that a few deep sedimentary basins are characterized by intermediate Te, which implies mechanical support of the surface sediment loads in a non-isostatic state. Our new Te model provides potentially significant insights into various tectonic and geodynamic problems of the Arctic lithosphere.