The article examines the stages of the formation of the genre of dystopia in the context of the world literary process. Dysutopia, which is a model of forecasting the future, reacts particularly acutely to the problems and challenges of modernity, projecting them onto imaginary societies of the future. Thanks to this, it gains special popularity in modern literary discourse, attracts the attention of more and more readers. As a result of the analysis, three stages of the development of the genre were established. The first stage covers the first half of the 20th century and is characterized by the design of the main genre features. In particular, the important features characteristic of this genre are the presence of a closed, linear space, the futuristic and prognostic nature of dystopian works, the conflict between a strong personality and the repressive apparatus of a totalitarian state or a unified, mechanized society. In the dystopias of the second period, which is the second half of the 20th century, we trace the expansion of issues, the variety of new artistic stylistic and compositional techniques, as well as the acquisition of features of other genres. The third period is the 20s of the 19th century, characterized by multi-vector development, processes of genre diffusion and convergence, which caused the appearance of a large number of genre varieties. The works are characterized by parody, grotesqueness, and violation of genre canons. We consider the dystopia of this period as a metagenre, which allows us to identify different genre variants of dystopia.
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