We study the geometry of submanifolds of complex Hopf manifolds endowed with the (locally conformal Kaehler) Boothby metric. 1. Generalized Hopf manifolds and the Boothby metric. Let fleC, 0 l , generated by z^az, z(=W. Then Ga acts freely and properly discontinuously on W, see [28], vol. II, p. 137, so that the quotient space Hna=W/Ga becomes in a natural way a complex w-dimensional manifold. This is the well known complex Hopf manifold. In their attempt to construct complex structures on products SxL, where S is the unit circle and L an odd dimensional homotopy sphere, E. Brieskorn & A. Van de Ven, [3], have generalized Hopf manifolds a follows. Let n > l and (fe0, ••• , bn)^Z , bj^l, 0£j£n. Let (z0, ••• , zn) be the natural complex coordinates on C n + 1 . Define X(b) = X2n(b0, ••• , fc»)cC n+1 by the equation: Then X(b) ia an aίϊine algebraic variety with one singular point at the origin of C if bj^2, / = 0 , - n (and without singularities if b3— for at least one /). Next B{b)—X(b)— {0} is a complex n-dimensional manifold, referred hereafter as the Brieskorn manifold determined by the integers b0, ••• , bn. See [2]. There is a natural holomorphic action of C on B(b) given by: t(Zo, —, ^ n ) = ( ^ O e X p ( y ^ ) , ••• , Zn ΘXp (—-y^ ) ) (1) where f e C , wa=— log \a \— iΦa, Φα=arctan(/m(α)//?β(fl)), —π/2 D x 5»(« defined by f(a, jc)=(α, ί/αx), for any a e D 1 , xe=B(b), where £/αe=GL(n+l, C) is the matrix: Note that / is an automorphism of DxBφ). The action of GL(n+l, C) on C n + 1 induces an action of Z « { / 7 m e Z } on DxBφ). Let: be the quotient space. We establish the following: THEOREM 1. X is a complex n-dimensional manifold. Moreover, if n—2, then there exists a surjective holomorphic map π: X-^D which makes X into a complex analytic family of compact complex surfaces, for any a^D there is a diffeomorphism between π~\a) and Hl(b). We recall that a triple (X, π, M) is a complex analytic family of compact complex manifolds if X, M are complex manifolds and π: X-*M is a proper holomorphic map which is of maximal rank at all points of X. Then each fibre π~\a G G M , is a compact complex manifold. Note that the action (1) of Z on Bφ) generalizes slightly the one in [3], p. 390. There B(l, ••• , 1)/Z is diffeomorphic to W/G1/e. The proof of Theorem 1 is organized in several steps, as follows. STEP 1. Z acts freely on DxB(b). Let (a, x) be a fixed point of / m , m e Z . Thus Ufx = x, and consequently: for O^tj ^n. Since at least one z3 is non-zero, it follows that m=0. STEP 2. {//meZ} is a properly discontinuous group of analytic transformations of DxBψ). Let KdD, LcB(b) be compact subsets. It is enough to show that the set of all m e Z with the property:
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