We explore the thermodynamic properties of the Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence matter and a cloud of strings within the framework of the generalized Heisenberg algebra. We provide precise computations of temperature, heat capacity, and entropy associated with this black hole and investigate the impacts of various deformations of the Heisenberg algebra on these thermodynamic parameters. The findings are compared with those for the usual Schwarzschild black hole. Additionally, the behavior of the isotherm related to this black hole is studied. It is anticipated that remnants will hold the key to solving the information loss problem. It is observed that different deformations of the Heisenberg algebra, which introduce minimum measurable length, maximum measurable momenta, or both simultaneously, could lead to the existence of a black hole remnant. Furthermore, it is noted that both exotic fields, cloud of strings and quintessence contribute to the quantum gravity-corrected entropy of the composite system.